Sunday, December 21, 2008

There is a new kind of Stupid and it lives in Bremerton....

Yesterday (Saturday) we drove to Seatac airport so Sam could fly out to his dads in Calgary. His flight was canceled about 30 minutes before we arrived at the airport due to the bad weather (it is STILL snowing here!). We called his dad to let him know and he started working on rebooking Sams flight from his end. In the meantime we bundled everyone back into the car to try and beat the forcasted storm home. It was snowing lightly as we left the airport and continuously got heavier as we drove- it is about an hour and a half on a good day to get from the airport to our house. As it was getting near dinner time we decided to stop and grab a bite to eat, but wanted to get across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge before doing so, thus avoiding the traffic back ups and snarls that we knew would start at any point in time. So...about 15 minutes from home, we stopped at a McDonalds....quick food so we could get going in a short period of time. While in there eating, we saw this couple out in the parking lot jacking up their car and fiddling with the tires. I asked Mark what they were doing...he said it looked like they had a flat or something. Once they finished on one side they moved over to the other. I said 'do they have TWO flats? Bummer!'. Mark said 'it looks to be them'. And they were really was snowing pretty heavy and the guy kept trying to adjust his knee board (yes, he had this fancy little thing you could kneel on while you worked on your car....yuppies!) and get the job done while his wife was turning the wheel one way and then the other. They were out there the whole time we were eating. As we got to the end of our meal, Mark said he was going to go outside and ask if they needed help as it was obvious they were struggling. He went out and talked to the guy for a few minutes and came back in laughing his butt off. They didn't have two flats. No...they were putting chains on their tires. BUT THE GUY TOOK HIS TIRES OFF, PUT THE CHAINS ON, AND THEN PUT THE TIRES BACK ON HIS CAR!!!!!!

Yes people, there is a NEW kind of stupid and sadly, it lives in Bremerton! :)

Hugs to all,

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