Monday, February 23, 2009

Animals..and their sounds....

So I have been plagued by two animals this past week..well, ONE animal this past week, the other for the past MONTHS.....

Our neighbors, whom we love, have a dog whom I HATE. Let me start by saying, if I wanted dog crap all over my yard, I'd get a dog. I don't want a dog, and yet, I have dog crap all over my yard. There started my hate a thon of this animal. I asked them nicely on several occasions to please keep their dog out of my yard, that with me having a daycare, I cannot have their dog in my yard. Their response "But we live out in the forest, he's just being a dog and running free"..yah, IN MY FREAKING YARD. Ugh..I am NOT a dog person to begin with so ANY dog I meet is already on thin ice (except for Guy..he is one SMART can tell what he is thinking just by looking into his eyes...odd...)..but I my yard...THEN..the damn animal decides he is going to start howling all night, every night. One night, I was up for 2 1/2 hours with him HOWLING (imagine a coyote..THAT kind of howling). I talked to them the next day and said "Didn't you HEAR him howling? He went on for 2 1/2 hours!". Their response? Again..."But he's just a dog doing what nature meant for him to do'. My response? "I'd like to do what nature intended for ME to do and that's sleep through the night!". They laughed like I was being funny. I wasn't. The dog howled the next night and the next. And the next. All damn night long. I spoke to them again and said 'seriously, you need to do something about him' (my thought was didn't his howling bother THEM?). They said they were getting a shock collar etc. I don't know if they ever did because he never stopped howling...he'd start at 1am and howl till 330. My favourite one (catch the humour dripping there) was 530 on a Saturday morning. :) For the last three nights, silence! I am wondering..did they buy a kennel and start putting him in the house at night? Then a pang of guilt..did the REAL coyotes get him (we have many creatures here in our forest)..the pang didn't last long.. I figured if he was REALLY doing what nature intended, he wouldn't be so stupid as to get eaten by a coyote...but whatever happened to him, I am loving the silence. I might have to ask my neighbors the next time I see them what happened to him...nahhh....let sleeping dogs lie...

So, onto the NEXT animal noise! We have four frogs. Frogs eat crickets. Crickets are bought at petsmart and live in a small critter keeper till they are frog dinner. Normally, they are quiet. Not sure why. Are they bred to be quiet? Do they keep quiet because they sense the frogs? Whatever the reason, they are quiet. Not this week! Oh no, we have the Bethoven of all crickets. He chirrups all day and all night. I threw him into the frog habitat (forgive me but I'd just put up with months of a howling dog ok? I could see where THIS was going!). Three days later and the damn thing is still chirruping. I swear he is saying 'na na na boo boo' in cricketese. If he doesn't shut up, I might have to feed him to the coyotes...

And this is February. Which means I have about a month before all the frogs in the frog pond start surfacing from the mud and start croaking.

Country doesn't get much better than this! :)

Hugs to all,


Neurotic Atty said...

It is absolutely, positively unacceptable to let your dog poop in your neighbor's yard, no matter where you live! It's just rude! It's also rude to let your dog howl all night long. First of all, think of your neighbor's. Second of all, think of your dog. He clearly wants to come inside...where it's warm...and not snowing!

Unknown said...

I agree with you 100%! I think they are now putting him inside as I haven't heard him howling at night for awhile now...last night about 1110 he started up and I thought..OH NO..but a few minutes later..silence...YAY!